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From those lovely people at The Larder on Mersey Street…

[#source] From those lovely people at The Larder on Mersey Street…

At The Larder, It’s always free to hang your hat a while and it’s never long before someone will offer you food and water. We’ve been serving delicious, freshly baked scones on Tuesday mornings – followed by sandwiches from 12 and on Thursday nights you’ll be serenaded by one of our amazing volunteering musicians and served a hot bowl of something nourishing and tasty (homemade leek and potato soup tonight!).

Often when someone drops in a donation, there’s a reluctance to partake in food that someone else may need more, let’s dispel this myth: there’s always enough to go round and it always tastes better when shared. What happens here is a community of food, you might not need the food, but who doesn’t need a bit more real-life community?

Let buns be the icebreaker,
coffee be the conversation-starter
and food be the friend-maker.

IF throwing some change in The Larder Piggy Bank helps you find your seat at the table, it’s there for you to pay as you feel.💚