

Jade https://vimeo.com/782551065 Jade Irwin Director of Diverse Church Coffee and cat lover. Gay. Diverse Church Director. Facilitator of real conversations. Jade Irwin is a believer in real conversations, community and connection. In her work across community, conflict, faith and fostering climates, she has the immense joy of encountering a lot of lives and stories. Her […]



Fidelma https://vimeo.com/359518727 Fidelma Carolan Liberal non-subscribing Presbyterian with Catholic guilt Fidelma Carolan has lived in Northern Ireland since 1989 and been an active advocate within the LGBT+ community since the mid-1990s. She is civilly partnered to Eileen and they have two dogs. She is an active member of All Souls Church in Belfast. BACK TO […]



Kim https://vimeo.com/359518325 Kim Walsh Gay Christian passionate about inclusion Kim has lived in Belfast since 2011. Kim’s own journey of reconciliation as a gay Christian involved being a trustee of a well-known UK organisation that supports people with ‘un-wanted same sex attraction’ to now believing that same-sex partnerships can be honouring of God & life-affirming. […]