Inclusive Faith
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Our first Borderlands of the year is this coming Tuesday 9th January at 7.30. Join us in the Pavilion Bar and bring some friends…

Our first Borderlands of the year is this coming Tuesday 9th January at 7.30. Join us in the Pavilion Bar and bring some friends along.

Our theme this month, following on from the consumer-fest of Christmas, is a look at the scarcity mindset and the discipline of enoughness. Brené Brown has written much about this theme and has suggested that we often think the opposite of scarcity is abundance. Rather she says:

“I think abundance and scarcity are two sides of the same coin” says Brene Brown. “The opposite of ‘never enough’ isn’t abundance or ‘more that you could ever imagine.’ The opposite of scarcity is enough, or what I call Wholeheartedness … vulnerability and worthiness: facing uncertainty, exposure, and emotional risks, and knowing that I am enough.”

This is our broad theme and as usual we will look at it through the lenses of music, reflections and conversation. Among those providing content will be Jonny Currie of the Trussell Trust, a charity “working to end the need for emergency food provision in Northern Ireland”.

Also remember we are starting to meet for an hour or two of conversation about Borderlands for a complimentary lunch every three months at The Pavilion Bar. Our first of these is Saturday 13th January from 12-1.30pm. Please come along with ideas, opinions and questions about what we can be looking at in Borderlands over the coming few months.

The Corrymeela Community

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