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“Was a six-day creation literal? What is the point of the whole “accepting Jesus into my heart” thing? If you don’t say the word…

“Was a six-day creation literal? What is the point of the whole “accepting Jesus into my heart” thing? If you don’t say the words right, are you going to hell? By the way, what is hell? Is it real? And while we’re at it, what’s heaven? Why did Jesus have to die? Is the God of the Old Testament stories of genocide and tribal war the same God as Jesus? Why won’t God heal my friend? My child? Me? Why are there so many kinds of Christians? Does God still speak today? Can I trust how the Bible came to me? Is the Bible literal, inerrant truth? I’ve heard that God is sovereign and that we have free will, but I don’t understand either one or how they work together. Is God to blame for suffering? Does God choose who goes to heaven and who goes to hell? What is the purpose of church? What makes a church a church instead of just a bunch of people hanging out? What’s the deal with communion? Baptism? Why are we here on earth? How do I figure out what God wants me to do with my life? Don’t even get me started on the Book of Revelation.”

These are some of the questions Sarah Bessey is asking in her book “Out of Sorts: Making Peace with an Evolving Faith”.

If you’re also asking these questions, you don’t have to go it alone. Pick up the book and read it along with others this month who are exploring new ways of thinking about faith, God and spirituality.

Better still, come and share the journey on The Wilderness Way here:

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