Inclusive Faith
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You may have heard that the UK Government is updating the requirements for Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) curriculum…

You may have heard that the UK Government is updating the requirements for Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) curriculum in Northern Ireland.

In a summary, the changes “will make age-appropriate, comprehensive and scientifically accurate education on sexual and reproductive health and rights, covering prevention of early pregnancy and access to abortion, a compulsory component of curriculum for adolescents.”

Unfortunately, a significant amount of misinformation and unhelpful scaremongering has been in circulation regarding these changes, much of it predictably coming from religious quarters.

Thankfully, however, other religious and faith voices are trying to articulate a more considered and open-minded response to these very same changes.

If you would like to explore a faith response in a more positive and less reactionary environment, then please feel free to join us on 8th November at St Christopher’s (The Larder) in East Belfast.

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