We are All His

Kirsten Kearney & Jonny Clark – A Jesus-looking God

Warning: Content may be upsetting or triggering.

Kirsten and Jonny have both come on a long journey since they were at school together in Holywood. Both were active members of the Scripture Union, both continued on in their Christian faith throughout their lives and have spent much of the last decade exploring LGBTQIA+ theology. Both have known good friends struggle with being LGBTQIA+ and have seen the damage that is done to individuals through certain theologies.

Jonny jokes about being “good living for a living” having been in full-time Christian work most of his life; with YWAM, running the An Cuan retreat centre in Rostrevor and more recently, taking up the post of Director of Public Theology at the Corrymeela Community. He also runs the Guardians of the Flame podcast series and the Borderlands monthly evening event of music, activism, community and faith in Belfast.

Kirsten is a former university lecturer who gave up her academic career to work in the arts and social justice sectors. She believes strongly in the power of story to communicate truth(s), to challenge stigma and to create meaningful thinking and conversation. She believes that change is possible and that the journey can be easier if you do it with other people. She is the CEO of esc films, a film-making charity based in Belfast specialising in using storytelling, drama and film to transform lives.

As you begin your journey here are some questions to open up conversation. Feel free to add your own.


Suggested questions:

  • Have you, your family or friends faced any difficulties with negative attitudes towards LGBTQIA+ people in NI?
  • How do you think that a traditional religious attitude to LGBTQIA+ people impacts on them?
  • Jimmy Kearney said: “Closed doors still need to be opened. You can make this happen, for you hold some of the keys.” Do you think this is true? How could you open the door? Do you want to? What would hold you back?
  • What does the concept of Ubuntu mean to you? (I am because you are / I am because we are.)
  • What does it mean to you that Jesus ‘closed the book on vengeance’?
  • Does Jesus’ heart towards the outsider challenge your own attitudes?
  • What does it mean to you that Jesus is the “radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being”?