Inclusive Faith
inclusive courses
Sometimes it can be hard to know how to begin when exploring inclusion and LGBTQIA+ theology. It can help to have a step by step approach to thinking it all through. These courses below will help.
Inclusive Faith
inclusive courses
Sometimes it can be hard to know how to begin when exploring inclusion and LGBTQIA+ theology. It can help to have a step by step approach to thinking it all through. These courses below will help.

A Question of Belonging

This is an NI specific course, designed collaboratively with LGBTQIA+ Christians, friends, allies and ministers across the country.

This free course consists of six sessions, each with a downloadable pdf of discussion questions to explore individually or as part of a group. There is a suggested order to the sessions but you can also pick and choose depending on your own needs or interest. It provides the materials to begin an informed and sensitive discussion around LGBTQIA+ lives, faith and theology.

Amazing Love


OneBodyOneFaith is a dynamic grassroots charity that enables LGBT+ Christians and advocates for change within the church, ecumenically and intentionally in partnership with likeminded organisations.For many LGBT+ Christians, places of Christian worship and community remain harmful and challenging. We are committed to stopping abuse through initiatives such as the Ban Conversion Therapy coalition; embracing positive change such as the advent of marriage equality in many traditions; and the transformation of church structures: our desire is for LGBT+ Christians to thrive, not just survive.The Amazing Love course is a series of six studies for use in a small group, but it could also be adapted for personal use. Each study is made up of a chapter from the book “Amazing Love”; a Bible passage; a short video of Alex and Lisa (two LGBT+ Christians) in conversation; discussion arising from the video; an exercise for the group; questions to discuss around the relevant chapter of Amazing Love; and a closing reflection and/or prayer.The pdfs and videos are to be used alongside the book “Amazing Love” by Andrew Davison (2016) which has the same chapter headings and is available from online booksellers.The course is only available to members – you can become a member here.

The Biblical Case for LGBTQ Inclusion

The Complete Learning Course

This 20-module course is available to purchase from The Reformation Project, Matthew Vines (author of God and the Gay Christian) will lead you through an in-depth theological exploration of the Bible and LGBTQ inclusion. From the six biblical passages that refer to same-sex behaviour to broader themes in Scripture about marriage, celibacy, sexual ethics, and the roles of men and women, this course carefully lays the groundwork for how Christians can both affirm the authority of the Bible and affirm their LGBTQ friends and loved ones.A shorter written version of this course, which still has lots of useful information to read, is available at The Brief Biblical Case for LGBTQ Inclusion.